Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year's Eve -- Tropical New Years Fiesta at Whonnock Lake Centre

Presented by: Ridge Canoe & Kayak Club & Whonnock Community Association.
Live music by: The Brookswood Blues Band
Champagne at Midnight, Late Buffet, Door Prizes, Raffle & 50/50
The theme for the night is Tropical New Years Fiesta. So.. come in a tropical costume or dress up - it's your choice.
Doors open at 7 pm and tables seat groups of 10 (no reserved tables). Come dance the night away and bring in the New Year.
Tickets are $60.  A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


(28395 - 96th Avenue
DECEMBER 4 , 2010 - 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
For more information call the hall at 604-462-9739
or e-mail to ruskinhall@yahoo.ca

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Whonnock History Calendar 2011

The new Whonnock History Calendar more interesting than ever is now for sale at only $7.00.  Ask Sue!!

Whonnock Weavers & Spinners Open House

30th Annual Exhibition and Sales
Sunday November 28 from 11:00 to 4:00
Handweaving | Handspinning | Handknitting | Basketery

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Whonnock News Fall Edition is out

Click here to have a look at the colour version of Whonnock News. Canada Post will deliver the printed version later this week.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Church of the Holy Spirit, Whonnock
On Sunday 17th October we’ll be celebrating the animals in our lives with a Pet Blessing Service.  All of the Community of Whonnock, are invited to bring your animals with you to the service which will begin at 10am.  All we ask is that you ensure the safety of your pet, and the others who join us, by putting them on a leash, or in a crate/cage (or bowl!) as appropriate. Refreshments in the Church Hall following, for a time of fellowship.
272 St. North of Lougheed Highway, Whonnock

Friday, September 10, 2010

Masterwork "made in Whonnock" .

Lauren Keegan painted a wonderful painting of Sue's horses on a lowly door of McFli's Feed store. We  convinced Lauren to drop her work at the store for a moment to let Helmi Braches  take her picture next to her masterwork. Of course we asked Sue for permission first!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nia: Fall Classes restart Tuesday 7pm September 14th, 2010 at Whonnock Lake

Mondays 9:15am and Tuesdays 7pm. 
Fitness CAN be fun. Start dancing your way to health. Join in anytime, and sense what all the fun is about. Nia empowers you to move Your Body, Your Way.
Contact Sharolyn@thedanceofhealth.com or 604.623.4888 to get on the Whonnock Nia list and join the fun.
More information at: www.TheDanceofHealth.com

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pictures of Post Office Celebrations

EVERYONE was there on Friday to congratulate Sue and her staff for the day they celebrated 125 years of uninterrupted postal service in Whonnock. The only post office in Maple Ridge that can boast about that. Click here to look at the pictures!

Yoga Flow at Whonnock Lake Centre!

NOW is the time to join Jaimee Stokes's Yoga Flow class at Whonnock Lake Centre. 
All adults (16+), males & females, and all levels welcome to attend! 
- Every Wednesday, all year round
- 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm
- $10 to drop-in or $8 with donation of two (2) non-perishable food items

For more information or to pre-register your spot, please visit www.jaimeestokes.ca or e-mail Jaimee (Head Instructor) at jaimee@jaimeestokes.ca or call 604.377.2660

Friday, July 16, 2010


Sue and her famous post office are put in the limelight these days. Click here to read an article written by Robert Mangelsdorf in yesterday's Maple Ridge News.

Hockey Nights in Whonnock!

Summer Kids' Club
For girls and boys going into grades 1-6

Activities include:
Ball Hockey, Games, Contests, Crafts, Skits
Snacks and on some nights: dinner

Monday-Thursday, July 26-30, 2010  6:00 – 8:30 pm
Friday 12:30 – 3:00 pm

at the CornerStone Neighbourhood Church,
9975 – 272nd Street in Whonnock.

Cost - $30.00/child.

Click here to download a registration form. 
Call at 604-462-1161

Please drop off on the completed form at the Cornerstone Neighbourhood Church on Thursday mornings July 15 or 22 from 9:00 – 12:00 or mail it to CornerStone Neighbourhood Church, 9975 – 272nd Street , Maple Ridge, BC, V2W 1M4

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Whonnock's Post Office 125 years

On 1 August 1885 Noble Oliver became the first of a continuous line of a dozen or so Whonnock postmasters. He had come to Whonnock all the way from Ontario, and  in 1884 he opened a general store “adjoining Whonnock station.” In the fall of that year the Post Office Inspector recommended to the Postmaster General in Ottawa that a post office be established in Oliver’s store for the growing community and its surroundings including the settlers across the Fraser River and in the Stave River area. The Post Office Inspector thought that the post office could be “…served with mail from the railway from once to three times a week as may be found most convenient.”
Today Sue Schulze is our postmaster and on Friday 30 July between 10:00 and 2:00 she would like to celebrate this 125th birthday with everyone who loves the Whonnock Post office. Be there!! It will be quite a party. 

Monday, May 31, 2010

Iron Mountain Triathlon

A reminder that the Iron Mountain Triathlon is coming up on June 20th at Whonnock Lake. Olympic and Sprint distance triathlon races. Information? http://www.ironmountaintriathlon.com/ or call 604.983.8433

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Whonnock Fun Runners

Offered in partnership with the Whonnock Community Association, this drop-in program with a one time fee is designed to fit your schedule. Class size limited, so please arrive promptly and bring a peanut free snack and drink. 

Each week has a different theme,participants will make crafts, sing songs, play games and have storytime.

Note: August 20th is a wrap up party for the summer-parent attendance is required. 

Location: Whonnock Lake Centre 
Fee: $60/6 M Jul 5-Aug 16 1:00pm-3:30pm #144665 
Fee: $200/20 M,W,F Jul 5-Aug 20 9:00am-12:00pm #144666 
Fee: $147/14 Tu,Th Jul 6-Aug 19 9:00am-12:00pm #144667 

You can register online at recreg4u.ca or by phone at 604-465-2470 or in person a the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre or Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre. For more information contact Jen Baillie at 604-466-4339

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Saturday June 5 from 10:00 to 2:00
(28395 - 96th Avenue, Maple Ridge)
For more information or to book a table ($15.00) call the hall at 604-462-9739 or e-mail to <ruskinhall@yahoo.ca>

Monday, May 10, 2010

Grand Opening and Neighbourhood Party

The Corner Stone Neighbourhood Church invites everyone in the community to come to a big Grand Opening and Neighbourhood Party on Sunday June 13th “Come and check us out!” they say. There will be lots of family activities, games, prizes for the kids, and a free BBQ dinner, a meet & greet, etc. Feel free to call Pastor Dan Ost at 604-462-1161 or CLICK HERE to visit their Web site.
Date: Sunday June 13, 2010 | Time: 10:00-11:30am - Worship Service | 3:00pm-8:00pm Neighbourhood Party | Location: 9975 272 Street, Whonnock (Old Whonnock Elementary School)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Watch Phil in action at the post office!

Phil Johnston wants you to know that he is  now a registered canvasser for the FIGHT HST campaign.
You can find him in front of the post office taking signatures between 11:00 and 2:00.
Should he not be there and should you want to sign the petition at some other place and time, please do give him a call at his home 604-462-9068 or call him on his cel phone 604-970-6957.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fraser Valley Rhododendron Society

The Annual Rhodondendron Show and Sale (always with sunshine it seems) at Whonnock Lake Centre was as usual a great success. CLICK HERE to have a look at the maddening crowd and those marvelous flowers .

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Plant and Bake Sale on May 8th -- don't miss it!

The Parish of Holy Spirit Anglican Church, Whonnock, are hosting their annual Plant and bake sale, Saturday, May 8th from 11 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon.

Hanging baskets, potted plants, baking and lunch will be available. Come joins us for a time of Community fellowship!

The address is 27123 River Rd. (272nd. St) north of Lougheed Highway, For informattion call Dorina at 604 465 8500

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt 2010

The Easter Egg Hunt of the Whonnock Community Association was a great success. Hundreds of kids and as many parents and grandparents came to the event, enjoying the lovely sunshine. Over 8,000 (eight-thousand!!) chocolate eggs  were given away--we really scraped the bottom! CLICK HERE to look at the pictures!

Monday, March 22, 2010

WCA Volunteer Dinner 21 March 2010

What a pleasure it was for all of us to meet so many old and new friends with plenty of time to visit and chat, eat and drink together. Lavalight provided a wonderful musical background. Melanie Snell (with a fond memory of Norm Billesberger) received the Volunteer of the Year 2010 award for dedicated work keeping the finances of the Whonnock Community Association in good order for many years. Yes, its her on the photo--click on it to have a closer look. Noreen Wood's hard work  taking over that task was also recognized. Margaret Norman donated a gavel to the WCA to replace the stone used by the president Brad Jennings. Phil Johnson recognized 35 years of service to the community by retiring firefighter Trevor Taylor, the first recipient of the Volunteer of the Year reward back in 2005.

Click here to look at pictures I took at the event. If you've taken pictures yourself, please send them to me and I'll add them to the show. I was not lucky with a bunch of pictures I took early in the evening without flash. They turned out unsharp and with one or two exceptions they have not been included.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It glows in the night--cheers up a rainy day!

Congratulations to Phil Jonson and Bud Popadiuk for getting the new electronic sign for the Whonnock Communty Association and putting it up there on the well house.
After decades of climbing up the ladder to change the text--here we are arriving in a new age!
A few things have still to be ironed out such as showing more text at the same time.

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Nia" is now at Whonnock Centre!

Nia is a body-mind-spirit fitness program. Nia empowers YOU to make your own movement choices and is open to all levels of fitness. Nia combines a diverse blend of Eastern and Western movements, concepts and philosophies from the worlds of the healing arts (love), martial arts (mindfulness), and dance (technique).
Class Times at Whonnock Lake Center: Mondays 9 am, Tuesdays 5 pm (Teens), Tuesdays 7pm.Your first class is FREE. Join in anytime, and sense what all the fun is about.
Call Sharolyn 604.623.4888 or e-mail sharolyn@earsforward.com and try a FREE class. For an updated schedule check online at http://www.earsforward.com

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bravo !!

The Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission granted Sue Schulze, Trudi DesRochers & Steve Bentley, and Reginald Friesen an award for their shared respect for the heritage properties on the north side of River Road in Whonnock assuring the continued maintenance and preservation of the buildings and gardens and the trees that form  “The Front,” Whonnock’s commercial and civic centre since the 1800s. They received the award last Thursday from the hands of Maple Ridge Mayor Ernie Daikin supported by Councillor Craig Speirs. From left: Councillor Speirs, Sue, Trudi, Steve, Mayor Daikin and Friesen. Click on the picture for enlargement.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Power Spike Damage--The Times

Click here to read the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Times reporting about our troubles

Monday, February 8, 2010

Parks Master Plan

The Department of Parks and Leisure Services will present its new
Parks Master Plan, created to set the direction over the next ten years,
in a public meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Whonnock Elementary School (27471 - 112th Avenue). 

The meeting will begin with a PowerPoint presentation at 7:00 p.m. Discussion to follow, with opportunity for public input. 

Power Strike Damage

More than a hundred people attended last Thursdays meeting discussing the options to extract restitution from BC Hydro for the damage done to their properties due to a power spike or spikes in the night of November 17th. It seems that the power spike affected some 150 households. The next meeting will be held at Whonnock Lake Centre on Thursday 18th February at 7:30/ (Photo by Maggie DeTemple)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

RCKC Fundraising Dinner

This inflatable will be auctioned off at RCKC's Fundraising Dinner Saturday, February 13th at Whonnock Lake Centre. Click here for details of the event!!
Silent Auction, Live Auction, Entertainment, Good Food and Fun !!
Come out and support the future of paddle sport in our communities. 
A three-day stay at a "Big White" Ski Chalet
and the above "as is" inflatable are up for live auction!
Come on out!
Payment can be at the door
but the caterer needs to know
a few days ahead of time.
Please contact Katrina Kelleway right away katkell@telus.net

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The "Old Whonnock Elementary School"

Paul Beckett MD writes:

I saw the Whonnock Community website and saw your newsletter, so thought I'd drop a line. I'm not sure if you're aware but the old Dowco building, a.k.a. the old Whonnock Elementary School, was sold last November.

I'm the new owner.  Several groups meet at the building now, so I thought I'd let you know about them:

Thornhill Montessori is still there and hoping to expand to two classrooms.

RCKC still meets there - I've given them a full classroom for all their workout equipment and access to the gymnasium, to use gratis until I rent out the space to someone else or they complete their new building whichever comes first.

HyperStealth:  A private company leases one room.  The owner is Guy Cramer at gcramer@hyperstealth.com.  Guy is a fascinating character - I think the people of Whonnock/Ruskin would find what he does quite fascinating (designs camouflage for countries around the world).

Albion Fellowship Church:  This is a church of about 130 people from all over ThornHill, Albion, Webster's Corners, Whonnock, Ruskin, etc... a few from the rest of MR, and A few come from as far as Mission and Abbotsford and one or two even come from Pitt Meadows.  It's also the church I attend.  We used to meet at Albion Hall - hence the name.  We'll also likely be changing the name some time in the next few months to reflect the change of venue. Dan Ost, who is also the firehall chaplain, is the pastor.  He can be reached at dost@albionfellowship.org. The church is VERY community-minded, willing to open doors for community needs and quite involved in putting on youth activities in the community.

Maple Ridge Modern Pentathlon Association:  This group went into mothballs about 1 1/2 years ago, as did all of BC Pentathlon.  It was resurrected a few weeks ago by me (I'm the acting president until we actually form a board) and is currently the only active pentathlon club in British Columbia.  Athletes at all levels participate in epee fencing and competitive air pistol shooting at the school.  We are coached by Bob Noble, Pentathlon Canada's high performance director and perennial master's champion.  With three nationally ranked age-division gold medalists, we develop athletes from grass-roots beginners through to the international level of competition with high standards in coaching and safety.  Our youngest athlete currently is 7 years old, our oldest 54.  Entry to the sport is only $20 annually which is all-inclusive for registration and insurance, facility use, coaching, all basic fencing equipment and use of entry-level competitive air pistols.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Power Spike Damage? You are not alone.

Do you live in Whonnock or Ruskin?
Have you suffered damage because of the power spike on November 17th, 2009?
Are you still waiting for compensation from BC Hydro?
You are not alone. Come to the meeting hosted by the Whonnock Community Centre at Whonnock Lake Centre on Thusrday, February 4th at 7:30 PM to discuss an action plan.
Information: 604-462-8942 or

Support Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club

The Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club invites all to a special dinner-dance and auction at Whonnock Lake Centre on Saturday night February 13. Proceeds of the evening will contribute directly to the planning and construction of a new paddling and recreation centre at Whonnock Lake. Click here for all the information.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Farewell & Welcome

Rev. David Findley-Price retires January 31 after 10 years as priest at The Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit on 272nd in Whonnock.
He has had a significant ministry there. We want to make sure anyone whose life has been touched by his ministry is aware that his last Sunday service will be January 31 at 10 a.m. They would be welcome to join us. We'd love to send him off with a full house, and hope you could post this on the website.
The next Sunday, February 7 at 10 a.m., we will welcome the interim priest, Rev. Marnie Peterson, and we certainly invite the neighbourhood to come and meet her then.
There will be a social time following each of these services.