Wednesday, January 30, 2019



From: Betty von Hardenberg

Klaus and I have participated in the Environmental Advisory Committee for the past two years with the explicit goal of having Council put the details of the updated map of the Grant Hill Aquifer into our Official Community Plan.  This is particularly important since Tantalus Labs was permitted to draw large volumes of water from our aquifer with limited oversight.
In 2005/ 2006, TAPS and the communities of Thornhill, Whonnock and Ruskin as well as community members outside the aquifer spoke during a six day public hearing requesting Council to map the aquifer and take measures to protect the drinking water in the three communities.  It was not put into the the Natural Features Map in the OCP. This  would have assisted developers, interested homeowners, staff and Council to recognize the importance of protecting it.
We did however, raise awareness to an important groundwater source that had not been previously recognized or understood.
Two years ago, the Ministry of Forest, Lands,and Natural Resource Operations updated the vulnerable aquifers in Maple Ridge at no cost to our community.  The Ministry has also drilled two observation wells to monitor water levels daily in both Thornhill and Whonnock at no cost to the City.
Now after two long years of keeping this file at the top of the pile, Rod Stott, the environmental planner will be presenting his request for Council to support updating the Natural Features Map to include the vulnerable aquifers into the OCP and receive first reading.

We do not often ask for your presence at a meeting, but Klaus and I are asking for as many of you as possible to attend this meeting to show Council how important this request is to our communities.  It is being held on Feb. 5 at 1:30 at the Committee of the Whole in the Council Chambers at City Hall.  It is never held at a convenient time, but we have persevered. You will be able to hear how your Council will respond to this request. Your attendance will be seen as a measure of the importance of this request to the community.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Readers of the One Book Whonnock’s choice. Margaret Atwood’s book Stone Mattress met on Thursday, 25 January to discuss the book and ponder about the choice of the next one.