Monday, May 27, 2013

Silent Auction and Potluck Dinner Sunday June 23rd

The Ruskin Hall Association is excited to announce their third Silent Auction and Potluck Dinner. This year's event will be on Sunday June 23rd, starting at 5:00 PM, with dinner at 6:00 PM. 
Last year's silent auction raised close to $1,000 for the Hall, and the Association would like to do even better this year. Of course, all proceeds go to the Hall. 
Needed before June 19th are donations of items to be auctioned off. Contact Dan at 604-462-0316 for any questions or to arrange for pick-up etc. As for the potluck dinner, you are familiar with them and know how enjoyable they are.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One Book Whonnock 2013/2014

It was just before the First World War that George and Dorothy Godwin made a failed attempt to settle in Whonnock. George, a scholarly man, later joined the Canadian Expeditionary Forces and fought in France. He was reunited with his wife in England and their children after the war.

His book The Eternal Forest was first published around 1929. This is the book selected by One Book Whonnock as their next choice for neighbours to read this year.

The novel offers fascinating aspects of life in the backwoods and elsewhere in the Lower Mainland in the pre-war years as seen by a young British immigrant “the Newcomer.” The Eternal Forest focuses in particular on the life of the Newcomer and his wife in Ferguson’s Landing (Whonnock), with nature all around them, and among those “little folks…with little minds and little ideas” who were their neighbours and on whom they looked down. 

Call Jean at 604 462 8942 or send an e-mail to if you are interested to join in the reading or want to know more. Click here to read, download, or print the flyer. And click here to go to the One Book Whonnock Web site. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Historical Celebration Ruskin

The Historical Celebration at Ruskin's Community Hall was quite a wonderful event. The Harmony Five were fabulous!. Click here to look  at a few pictures taken. When we receive more we'll sure add them.
At the event a slideshow was presented with photographs of Ruskin's famous past. Projector courtesy Maple Ridge Museum and Archives. Click here to see that show!