Sunday, January 24, 2010

Power Spike Damage? You are not alone.

Do you live in Whonnock or Ruskin?
Have you suffered damage because of the power spike on November 17th, 2009?
Are you still waiting for compensation from BC Hydro?
You are not alone. Come to the meeting hosted by the Whonnock Community Centre at Whonnock Lake Centre on Thusrday, February 4th at 7:30 PM to discuss an action plan.
Information: 604-462-8942 or

Support Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club

The Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club invites all to a special dinner-dance and auction at Whonnock Lake Centre on Saturday night February 13. Proceeds of the evening will contribute directly to the planning and construction of a new paddling and recreation centre at Whonnock Lake. Click here for all the information.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Farewell & Welcome

Rev. David Findley-Price retires January 31 after 10 years as priest at The Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit on 272nd in Whonnock.
He has had a significant ministry there. We want to make sure anyone whose life has been touched by his ministry is aware that his last Sunday service will be January 31 at 10 a.m. They would be welcome to join us. We'd love to send him off with a full house, and hope you could post this on the website.
The next Sunday, February 7 at 10 a.m., we will welcome the interim priest, Rev. Marnie Peterson, and we certainly invite the neighbourhood to come and meet her then.
There will be a social time following each of these services.