Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Church of the Holy Spirit, Whonnock

After consultation with the parish and the Ministry and Congregational Development Committee, Rt. Rev Michael Ingham has announced that from hence forth, the former St. John the Evangelist parish will be known as the Church of the Holy Spirit, Whonnock. In naming the parish, Bishop Michael took time to thank all those who had submitted names. He remarked on the creativity of the names and felt inspired by all.

Bishop Michael Ingham will return to visit Holy Spirit Parish shortly to join us in a celebration of our new identity. This will give us an opportunity to create some new signage and plan a celebration. I hope we can involve the whole Eastern Maple Ridge and Western Mission community.


Monday, January 21, 2008

The Whonnock Foundation grants $2000 Byrnes Bursary

The Whonnock Foundation has granted a second $2,000 Byrnes Bursary to Jenna Beaudry,who is working towards a BA at the University College of the Fraser Valley.

The Foundation continues granting amounts of up to $2,000 per four-month period to students from east Maple Ridge enrolled in a college, university, trade school or other post secondary establishment, and with a proven record of good performance.

The bursary was named after Brian and Isabel Byrnes.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Nonviolent Communication Workshop on 25 and 26 January

A subsidized workshop covering the principles and practice of nonviolent communication will be held at St John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Whonnock, on the evening of January 25th and all day on January 26th. Dr Raj Gill, an internationally qualified trainer in compassionate communication techniques, will lead the workshop, which is open to all at an 80% discount on the normal fee – meaning the cost will be just $60.00 per person for the total of 8 hours of training.

Those wishing to attend the workshops should come to the Church Hall at St John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Whonnock, 27123 River Road, Whonnock (take the turning for 272nd Street off the Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge) ready for a 7 pm start on Friday January 25th. The first evening session will finish at 9pm and on Saturday 26th the day will begin at 9am finishing at 4pm. You are asked to bring a bag lunch for the Saturday session, though coffee and tea will be provided for both sessions. For more information please feel free to call the Church on 604-462-7933, and you can visit the Church website

To find out more about NVC visit a couple of websites: www.bcncc.org and www.cnvc.org are both useful resources, as is the book “Nonviolent Communication: A Language for Life” by Marshall A Rosenberg, PhD.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Blogs for Cubs and Scouts

Following the example of the Cubs, the Whonnock Scouts now also have a blog of their own. Click here for the Cubs and click here for the Scouts.
Surely the Beavers will catch up soon?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

3rd Pineridge Brownies: Alouette District

We put a new page on the Whonnock Community Associations's Web site for the Whonnock Brownies: 7 and 8 year old girls. Click here to see what it is all about!